Tuesday, September 16, 2008

How confident are you about the future of the US?

This is from the Cafferty File on CNN:

The responses to the question "How confident are you about the future of the US?" are very interesting:

Cindy from North Carolina writes:
Jack, I am scared to death. I am so scared that my children will not have a real prosperous future. I am saving for college but will my children be able to get a job in the U.S.? I have my kids studying French and Spanish because I don’t know if my kids will be able to survive in the place were they were born and raised.

Beverly writes:
I will not be confident about the future of this country until after the election. I am so afraid that the racism that permeates this election will make people vote for McCain just to keep an African-American out. You news people seem to be afraid to say this out loud. I, as an African-American female, know the signs. As bad as this economy is, if a white man was running against McCain, it would be all over.

Kevin from Anchorage, Alaska writes:
If America is dumb enough to elect another “Conservative”, hands-off, no-regulation Republican who abuses the power of the Presidency, we’re screwed.

Mary from Maryland writes:
Americans are not as stupid as Washington seems to believe. Our economy is in grave danger putting the global economy in dire straits. We can thank the greedy, corrupt, got-to-have more corporate hogs and the politicians they lobby and buy.

Jane writes:
I have never been so frightened for myself, my family and my country. Bush just skates along and doesn’t seem to understand what he has done or caused, by his non-compliance with any of our rules or regulations. He is absurdly ignorant and has no conscience whatsoever.

And now to add my bit. I agree with the comments above. With the way America and the world is now, Americans would be absolutely stupid to vote in another Republican president!

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