Thursday, December 21, 2006

Mormon for president in 2008?

One of the people considering running for president of the United States in 2008 is Mitt Romney, who happens to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. A poll was recently put on the MSNBC website which asked "Would you vote for a Mormon for president?"

Out of 190620 reponses, a whopping 94% say Yes, only 3.9% say No, and 1.7 say I'm not sure. Very fascinating results.

I don't know if I would vote for him for president if I had the chance (he's Republican which doesn't help!) I don't know if we should really mix religion with politics. It's going to be very interesting to see what happens anyway.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Don't you get sick of these emails?

We all get all kinds of emails and some of them we don't like receiving, such as spam. But the emails I get sick of are these "cutsie" ones. Here's one I received today:

Subject: Need this back from you
"Worry looks around, sorry looks back, Faith looks up." 3 angels are sent to you. You must send them to 8 people including me. In 8 minutes you will receive something you have long awaited for.
Have faith

The email also featured a picture of 3 flying angels. Will I really receive something that I have long awaited for if I send this email to 8 people, and receive that in 8 minutes? I mean, how is this possible? So do I miss out if I only send the email to 7 people? What happens if I send the email to 9 people? Will I receive something quicker? Does the 8 minutes start from when I open the email or when I click on send? What happens if 8 minutes has passed and I haven't received anything? Do I start panicking? What happens if one of the email addresses I sent the email to didn't work?

See how ridiculous this is! These emails may be cute and lovely but they serve no purpose. I think this reply to the email sums it up nicely:

People, really!!
I'm sure I am going to be considered the world's biggest " Humbug" but what is it this email is proposing here? Do we not have section 130 verse 20 to 21 of the Doctrine and Covenants to explain how blessings are received? Are we to believe that we can really get 3 electronic angels flapping their wings on our computer to anything in eight minutes which we are not other wise through obedience going to get anyway.. Or for that matter get us anything which we are not entitled to?
This is all urban myth " Humbug" Worse than playing the slot machines. At least they pay off once in a while to keep us giving them our money. What good Latter Day saint would even consider the credibility of anything as obviously bent as this ?

Friday, December 08, 2006

Revalation about Bush

I receive CNN Breaking News alerts through my email and yesterday this one came through:

"President Bush's policy in Iraq "is not working," the Iraq Study Group said in releasing its long-awaited report."

No, really?? I could have told you that months ago! In fact most people around the world (including Democrats in the States) could have told you that too! I think we've know for quite a while that Bush's policy in Iraq "is not working" - duh! Just look at all the needless killings of US (and other country's) soldiers every day in Iraq. Just look at all the violence and civil unrest in the country since the US invaded.

Initially I was in favour of the war as I wanted to see that dictator Saddam Hussein removed from power. So he was, and he was captured, and he was put on trial (albeit a Mickey Mouse trial), and he has been sentenced to death. But just look at the state of Iraq - it's a mess! It's in a worse state than it was before. Let's hope the new mostly Democrat Senate and Congress can force Bush to make some changes - i.e. pull the troops out of there before more that don't need to get killed do!

By the way, where's Osama Bin Laden?