Thursday, August 21, 2008

TVNZ stuffs up Olympic coverage yet again!

As we know state broadcaster TVNZ has the rights to cover the Olympic Games from Beijing this year. But so far their coverage has not been that terrific. They had yet another slip up of a very important moment last night:

Tom Ashley, in the boardsailing, won New Zealand’s 3rd gold medal at these games. He won it just before 7pm last night, but of course that’s when TV One have to have their One News broadcast, followed up Close Up, hence no live coverage of a “golden” moment in New Zealand sporting history! In fact TV3 announced it before TV One did!! Campbell Live announced it just after 7pm. I bet TV3 are laughing their heads off right now about this! (Why did TV One need to continue to have its full One News and Close Up programmes during the Olympics?)

So why didn’t TV One show it live? Why didn’t they break away from their wonderful (I’m being sarcastic) One News? Oh hang on; TVNZ said they did screen it live - on their Freeview channel! How pathetic! Only about 5% of the country has Freeview (and by the way it’s not free – you need to pay a few hundred dollars to get it set up – that’s why I don’t have it). TVNZ promised four channels of Olympic coverage this year, which included one Freeview channel and two Internet channels (so only one channel really for most of New Zealanders – I haven’t even bothered checking out their Internet channels; even though I have broadband it’s no where near fast enough for this). TVNZ promised that all the important moments would be live on TV One. So far this has not been the case. This is our tax payers money at work people!

I’m just so glad Sky TV have the rights to Olympic coverage in 2012. They’re going to have 3 or 4 channels of live coverage!!

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