Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Hillary and McCain win today

Today it was the turn of Florida to have their primary. Hillary Clinton easily won for the Democrats with 50% of the vote, and Obama second with 33%. It didn't mean much for the Democrats as they had their delegates removed for this primary, but I'm sure it will be a confidence boost to Hillary.

It was a different story with the Republicans. John McCain narrowly won with 36%, and Mitt Romney second with 31%. It was a winner take all so McCain got all the delegates. This now puts him into the lead over Mitt. I'm terrified of McCain getting the nomination for the Republicans. He's such an old fuddy-duddy. I doubt he will represent change. It'll be like a 3rd Bush term if he became president! The Iraq war would carry on forever!

Rudy Giuliani has really stuffed his campaign. He was leading in the polls before the primaries, but he decided not to worry about the earlier primaries and concentrate on Florida. However, it backfired on him and he came 3rd today! I guess it's the end for him. But if he decides to support McCain then it's probably all over for Mitt.

I liked one thing Mitt said today. He said we don't want to put the same people back into Washington and just move their seats around. I guess he was talking about McCain. I'm glad Mitt's taking time off his campaign to attend President Hinckley's funeral this weekend.

Next up is the Republican Maine caucuses on Saturday (NZ Time), and then of course it's SUPER TUESDAY next Wednesday. I think we'll really know the state of play after then.

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