Friday, November 23, 2007

Go Ruddy!

Tomorrow is the big day in Australia - the federal election. I am fully supporting Labor. They just have to win! The Liberal Coalition have been in power far too long - a very long and boring 12 years! John Howard is such an idiot (especially for cuddling up to Bush) and I can't believe how anyone would vote for him. I really hope Kevin Rudd becomes Australia's new Prime Minister.

The latest poll from Sky News shows that Labor only have a slight advantage over the Coalition, 52-48, but other polls give Labor a greater lead.

So go Ruddy!!!



Anonymous said...

Hate to disagree (well not really - it's actually kinda fun) but being here in Australia I have a very different perspective. All our states are run by labor governments and we've suffered for it. I also remember what it was like last time Labor ran the country. Many things that go against the core of my faith have only been held in check because of the Howard government and now Rudd's won, there are already plans to legalise things that make me shudder. It's going to be a very long three years.

Adam Claydon said...

Hi anonymous (you should have put your name),
I would love to be in Australia right now with the great new PM you have! He's already done something about climate change (Howard did nothing), and I'm sure he's not going to cuddle up to that idiot Bush over Iraq!
And so what if Rudd will "legalise things that make you shudder" - doesn't mean you have to participate in them!
By the way Rudd went on Rove, that idiot Howard didn't!