Monday, May 14, 2007

NZ Police chicken sex

It's been all over the news today. Howard Broad, the police commissioner, showed a pornographic video showing bestiality (apparently something to do with chickens) at a party in his home in 1981. See:

Now we all know this type of video is sick and wrong, but this was 26 years ago, so who cares?! Why has this issue suddenly being brought up now? He would have been in his early 20s at the time and was more than likely into partying with his police mates, and I guess they would have viewed videos of that type (by the way, not many people would have had video players in 1981!) I'm certain he wasn't police commissioner at the time, and does it really matter if he viewed the video or not?

I'm not condoning viewing these types of videos, but this was 26 years ago, so as I said before - who cares?!

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