Friday, September 16, 2005

Tomorrow is the big day

The campaigning and mud slinging is over, and now it's time for the country to decide who will be the government over the next 3 years. It appears to be a two horse race between National and Labour, but remember, neither of them will be able to govern on their own. They will need a support party.

My vote is going to New Zealand First as they are not going into a formal coalition with National or Labour. Winston Peters is the only person that talks any sense. Go Winnie!

Let's look at the other minor parties. Besides NZ First, the Greens may be the only other party that will make it over the 5% threshold. A Labour-Greens government would be ghastly! We'll all be riding around on bicycles smoking who knows what! United Future are a sensible party, but unless Peter Dunne wins Ohariu-Belmont then they are gone. ACT are just weird! Let's hope Rodney Hide does not win Epsom - then they will be out of there! I'm sure Jim Anderton will win Wigram again, and that may give his party, the Progressives, a couple of seats (yeah, who cares!) And then there's the Maori Party - I don't think we'll go there.

So vote very wisley tomorrow and I will give a report after the election.

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