Friday, November 07, 2008

John Key visits Palmerston North

Yesterday when I was up town I met the local National candidate, Malcolm Plimmer, and he said John Key (leader of the National Party) was coming to Palmerston North. So I went down to the Terrace End shops this morning at about 9am to wait. There were quite a few assembled there including the media, National supporters, and Labour protesters. Just after John Key arrived I got to shake his hand! I told him I was voting National for the first time tomorrow. It was great to be able to meet him. I would like to have gotten a photo with him but he had so many people to meet. He spent about half an hour or so greeting people and walking into shops. I followed him around and took a few photos which you can see here:

Now about the Labour protesters. They were idiots. They were saying that Key is the anti-Obama. Now that really pissed me off. I'm a huge supporter to Obama and they were saying that John Key is totally opposed to him. Key is promoting change in New Zealand, just like Obama was in the States. Can't Labour see that red is also the Republicans colour and communist colour!! The protesters were shouting when Key was trying to speak. How rude! Labour are getting desperate now (just like the Republicans were). There was almost some violence:

I was brought up in a Labour family but I feel it's time now for me to vote National. We need a change in this country as 9 years of Aunty Helen is far too long! So why else am I voting National this time around, especially as I'm currently a single father on the DPB? Here are some reasons:

-Lower taxes
-Faster broadband
-Getting people off welfare and into jobs
-Cracking down on violent crime

We do not want another 3 years of the same - a Labour led government. Helen Clark is one of the reasons why NZ is in an economic crisis now, and an experienced business leader like John Key will really help the country! Labour and the Greens want to get together. Can you imagine the Greens in government?! We'll all be riding horses and hugging trees! Hell!

So tomorrow please give two ticks to National. If you want change in this country then voting National is the best way - any other will be a wasted vote.

For more information see:

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