Wednesday, August 13, 2008

You'll need to work for the DPB soon

Well, of course it’s election year, so it’s time for the political parties to come out with their policies in order to woe voters. National’s latest policy announcement is to get those on the Domestic Purposes Benefit (DPB) to spend some time each week working:

This is something that directly affects me because I am on the DPB. I became a single father near the end of last year so I’m on the DPB as this is the benefit I am entitled to having my daughter living with me. But I actually agree with this policy move of National’s. I think this is an excellent idea to go out and do some work during the week. I currently have a temporary job working 20 hours a week, so if I can do it then anyone can do it!
Now I’m sure there are some genuine cases where the single parent won’t be able to go out and work, so I’m not sure what they will do about those. But I’m sure the majority of single parents can go out and do some part-time work during the week while their children are at school. Of course there is the problem with illness and school holidays so hopefully National will bring in some way to get round that.
Getting single parents out in the workforce will stop them being “benefit bludgers”. It’s great that we have a welfare system in this country to provide benefits for people, however people need to become more self sufficient and not rely on the government all the time for handouts. As I said the job I have now is only temporary, so at the end of this month when it finishes I’m not sure what I’m going to do next. So having a scheme like this in place will hopefully help people to get jobs. I find it very hard to find work, and I would love to get back into full-time work. It’s so annoying as I have a university degree and lots of experience in the work force, yet I can’t get a full-time job that suits me. Hopefully this scheme of National’s will help me get a job!

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