Thursday, August 21, 2008

TVNZ stuffs up Olympic coverage yet again!

As we know state broadcaster TVNZ has the rights to cover the Olympic Games from Beijing this year. But so far their coverage has not been that terrific. They had yet another slip up of a very important moment last night:

Tom Ashley, in the boardsailing, won New Zealand’s 3rd gold medal at these games. He won it just before 7pm last night, but of course that’s when TV One have to have their One News broadcast, followed up Close Up, hence no live coverage of a “golden” moment in New Zealand sporting history! In fact TV3 announced it before TV One did!! Campbell Live announced it just after 7pm. I bet TV3 are laughing their heads off right now about this! (Why did TV One need to continue to have its full One News and Close Up programmes during the Olympics?)

So why didn’t TV One show it live? Why didn’t they break away from their wonderful (I’m being sarcastic) One News? Oh hang on; TVNZ said they did screen it live - on their Freeview channel! How pathetic! Only about 5% of the country has Freeview (and by the way it’s not free – you need to pay a few hundred dollars to get it set up – that’s why I don’t have it). TVNZ promised four channels of Olympic coverage this year, which included one Freeview channel and two Internet channels (so only one channel really for most of New Zealanders – I haven’t even bothered checking out their Internet channels; even though I have broadband it’s no where near fast enough for this). TVNZ promised that all the important moments would be live on TV One. So far this has not been the case. This is our tax payers money at work people!

I’m just so glad Sky TV have the rights to Olympic coverage in 2012. They’re going to have 3 or 4 channels of live coverage!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Classic Rock finally comes to the Manawatu!

At last, after waiting for months, Radio Hauraki started in Palmerston North today – on 105.8 FM!! I think this is the last main area in the North Island (and one of the last in New Zealand) to get Radio Hauraki – I don’t know why it has taken so long. I moved down here from the Waikato over three months ago and I’ve been suffering without my daily dose of Classic Rock! So if you’re in the Manawatu make sure you tune into the best rock music station in the country, Radio Hauraki on 105.8 FM, and check out

Saturday, August 16, 2008

National Hugging Day

We were in Wellington today down Manners Mall and we saw a group of people with signs offering Free Hugs. We thought this seemed a bit weird, but first my Dad received a hug then my daughter. I was a bit hesitant at first but decided to join in anyway, and I received a hug from a nice young girl. I must say it was very nice. So if you were in Auckland or Wellington today I hope you got a nice hug - it's something we should do more of!

For more about National Hugging Day and a video clip see:

(We were down there when One News were there but I can't see myself in the video clip)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

You'll need to work for the DPB soon

Well, of course it’s election year, so it’s time for the political parties to come out with their policies in order to woe voters. National’s latest policy announcement is to get those on the Domestic Purposes Benefit (DPB) to spend some time each week working:

This is something that directly affects me because I am on the DPB. I became a single father near the end of last year so I’m on the DPB as this is the benefit I am entitled to having my daughter living with me. But I actually agree with this policy move of National’s. I think this is an excellent idea to go out and do some work during the week. I currently have a temporary job working 20 hours a week, so if I can do it then anyone can do it!
Now I’m sure there are some genuine cases where the single parent won’t be able to go out and work, so I’m not sure what they will do about those. But I’m sure the majority of single parents can go out and do some part-time work during the week while their children are at school. Of course there is the problem with illness and school holidays so hopefully National will bring in some way to get round that.
Getting single parents out in the workforce will stop them being “benefit bludgers”. It’s great that we have a welfare system in this country to provide benefits for people, however people need to become more self sufficient and not rely on the government all the time for handouts. As I said the job I have now is only temporary, so at the end of this month when it finishes I’m not sure what I’m going to do next. So having a scheme like this in place will hopefully help people to get jobs. I find it very hard to find work, and I would love to get back into full-time work. It’s so annoying as I have a university degree and lots of experience in the work force, yet I can’t get a full-time job that suits me. Hopefully this scheme of National’s will help me get a job!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Trying to buy a new video recorder

My video recorder (VCR) which I have had for about six years broke down on Friday night. I knew after six years of excellent use that it would be a waste of time and money to try and get it fixed, so I needed to bite the bullet and get a new one.
So, on Saturday morning, with my Dad in tow, we set out to buy a new VCR for me. I thought this would be quite a quick and simple task. Boy was I wrong! First we went to Bond & Bond and we thought this would be the best place to buy one. We scanned around and all we found were DVD recorders! We saw one VCR which was a combo one with a DVD recorder for about $500. I don’t want to pay this much for a VCR as I already have a very good DVD recorder. So, we decided to pop into Noel Leeming just next door. Again no VCRs except for one Samsung dual VCR and DVD player for $200. Is that all you can get? Can’t you buy VCRs by themselves now? I guess not. And anyway, I’m not sure if I want a “Samsung” brand machine. I used to top brands like Sony and Panasonic. So next it was off to Harvey Norman. I thought we would have a good shot at getting one there as it’s a big store and I’m sure they would have a big range. I was wrong again! Heaps of DVD recorders again (including Blu-Ray) but only one VCR – again combined with a DVD player – the same Samsung one I saw in the previous store. I managed to have a chat to one of the salesmen there about it. He says that haven’t had any VCRs for a while and the dual DVD-VCR ones are all you can get now. So I said what do I do with the hundreds of video tapes I still have? He said I need to transfer them to DVD. Well, I am doing that, but it’s going to take a long time, and anyway, I need a new VCR in order to do it!! Next stop was Dick Smith. Here’s a store I’m sure would have one. Wrong again! It looks like they did have some VCRs (dual ones with DVD) but not any more! Off to Kmart next. Yes, they too had a dual DVD-VCR under a brand called “Sansui”. Sansui? Sounds more like Sansushi! (And it was $30 more than the Samsung one in Harvey Norman). We decided just to visit one more store, Leader & Watt 100%. All they had was an LG brand dual DVD-VCR for $200. I decided this was it and I just had to buy this one. LG is a brand I’ve heard about and it appears to becoming more popular. The machine on the shelf was the last one in stock, so I’m glad the salesman knocked an extra $15 off it.
So to sum up, it is very, very hard to buy a new VCR now. I think this is pathetic. Cheap DVD recorders have only been around for a couple of years so there are still many, many people out there who don’t have one (I actually don’t know many people who have one). Video tapes have been around for a long time so I’m sure there are many people out there who have hundreds of them like me. What are we supposed to do if our VCRs break down and we need to get a new one? Don’t tell me just to replace them all with DVDs because some things I have recorded in the past can’t be replaced – it’s just not available on DVD. Anyway, obviously VCRs are still in demand as I bought the last one at Leader & Watt, they were sold out at Dick Smith, and I saw only three left at Harvey Norman. I don’t like how videos have been dismissed as old technology so quickly. I just hope VCRs will still be available for a little while longer. (And what’s going to happen when we need to replace all our DVDs with Blu-Ray in a few years time???)