Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Mohammed the teddy

You may have heard in the news recently about a British teacher in Sudan who called a teddy bear “Mohammed”:,,-7126099,00.html

She is 54 years old and I’m sure she is a very nice person. However, she allowed her seven-year-old pupils to name a teddy bear Mohammed. Because of this she spent more than a week in prison and has now been deported back to Britain. She also faced calls for her execution!

Now come on, this is totally ridiculous! I know we must respect other people’s beliefs, but wanting to execute someone for allowing children to name a teddy bear Mohammed is going far too far! From what I understand a lot of children in the Muslim world are named Mohammed, so what’s wrong with calling a teddy bear this name? I am Christian, and if someone named a teddy bear after a prophet, such as Moses, Abraham, Peter, John, Nephi, Moroni, or even Joseph Smith, I wouldn’t mind at all!

We get quite concerned about these Islamist extremists and what they might do next, but I think we should be more concerned about the “Christian right” in the United States!

The campaign is now on for the next president of the United States. Mike Huckabee, a former Southern Baptist minister, is gaining popularity, especially amongst evangelical Christian voters. As mentioned before I am Christian but I think it would be a disaster if someone like Mike Huckabee became president. I think it would bring “church and state” together which clearly should be kept separate. If we think it’s bad now with Bush as president, imagine what it would be like with someone like Huckabee as president. It would start to take away the freedoms of those not of the Christian right, and America is a country that is built on freedom.

So I really hope that Mitt Romney’s “Mormon speech” goes well for him. I would much rather have a Latter-day Saint Christian as president than an evangelical Christian! By the way, let’s hope a Democrat becomes president anyway. They would be a president for ALL Americans and make sure the United States has a good relationship again with the rest of the world.


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