Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I'm annoyed!

I've been watching 3 News this evening and I'm quite annoyed over some things happening in the world.

In February this year a 77 year old widow on the North Shore was bludgeoned to death by a 15 year old boy. He has been jailed today for a minimum 14 year non-parole period. Only 14 years? It should be 40 years! I don’t care that he is only 15 years old. He went in and killed a defenseless old woman! So what if he is not usually a violent person. He was on this occasion and it only takes one murder to stuff up! The justice system in this country is just too lenient.

The Dalai Lama is currently in New Zealand and he met with some of the MPs today. The Greens welcomed him with open arms, and Winston Peters met him in private. Winston said he was meeting the Dalai Lama as leader of NZ First party – the Dalai Lama understood he was meeting with the foreign minister! National leader John Key just “popped in” on a meeting the Dalai Lama was having with one of his MPs. Meanwhile our beloved Prime Minister, Helen Clark, has refused to formally meet with him. She says she already met him briefly at Brisbane Airport, and it is not a high priority for her and has nothing to do with pressure from China. Yeah right! What’s more important, meeting one of the world’s great spiritual leaders or a free trade deal with China?

This story is really sad. A US military patrol in Baghdad discovered a government-run special needs orphanage with children kept in horrific conditions. They were left naked and unfed while those running the orphanage were selling the food and clothing meant for the children. I cannot believe that children would be treated this way, by not being given the necessities of life, so that people can make a few dollars. People like that need to be shot. I’m so glad the children were rescued.

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