Thursday, February 07, 2008
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Super Tuesday!!
Forget Waitangi Day and all its protests, today was Super Tuesday! Most of the results of the day's voting are in now, and what does it really tell us? Well, not a lot really. In the Democratic race Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama both had a number of wins today but the race is still very close between them, although Hillary is still slightly ahead. For the Republicans John McCain won a few more states than his opponents, Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee, so his lead overall has increased a bit. But of course it all comes down to delegates so it's not over yet! Let's have a look at some of the results today:
I think it was quite amazing that all the main candidates had primaries in their own states today. So Hillary won New York, Obama won Illinois, McCain won Arizona, Mitt won Massachusetts, and Huckabee won Arkansas. Hillary won Arkansas for the Democrats as I thought she would, as Bill Clinton was the governor there before he became president. And of course Mitt won Utah easily with all the LDS voters there! In the big states today Hillary and McCain did well. They both won California and New York, so this gives big boosts to their campaigns. One result I was quite surprised about was Hillary's win in Massachusetts, especially after Obama's endorsements from Senators Kennedy and Kerry. I'm still supporting Hillary in the Democratic race, although I'm starting to lean towards Obama - we'll just have to see how it goes. I think it will be good to have the Clintons back in the White House. Those were the good ole days when Bubba was president! Mitt Romney, who I'm supporting on the Republican side, has a long way to go to catch up now. McCain as president would be a disaster! So if he gets the nomination for the Republicans let's hope the Democratic nominee thrashes him!!
Here's a list of the states won today for each candidate with the percentage of votes they got:
Hillary Clinton:
Arizona (50%)
Arkansas (69%)
California (54%)
Massachusetts (56%)
New Jersey (54%)
New York (57%)
Oklahoma (55%)
Tennessee (54%)
Barak Obama:
Alabama (56%)
Alaska (74%)
Colorado (67%)
Connecticut (51%)
Delaware (51%)
Georgia (67%)
Idaho (80%)
Illinois (65%)
Kansas (74%)
Minnesota (67%)
Missouri (49%)
North Dakota (61%)
Utah (57%)
Democratic undecided:
New Mexico
John McCain:
Arizona (47%)
California (44%)
Connecticut (52%)
Delaware (45%)
Illinois (47%)
Missouri (33%)
New Jersey (55%)
New York (51%)
Oklahoma (37%)
Mitt Romney:
Colorado (60%)
Massachusetts (51%)
Minnesota (42%)
Montana (38%)
North Dakota (36%)
Utah (90%)
Mike Huckabee:
Alabama (41%)
Arkansas (61%)
Georgia (34%)
Tennessee (34%)
West Virginia (52%)
Republican undecided:
It's interesting to see for most of McCain's wins today he got less than 50% of the vote. This shows that even though he is the front runner, over half of the Republican party don't like him. the two biggest Republican wins were Mitt in Utah with 90%, and Huckabee in Arkansas with 61%.
Next up this weekend are the Republican Kansas caucuses, the Louisiana primary, the Democratic Nebraska caucuses, the Democratic Virgin Island caucuses, and the Washington caucuses.
Just going back to Waitangi Day briefly, it was good to see TV3 news tonight mention Super Tuesday before Waitangi day (state controlled TV One did the opposite of course).
For full Super Tuesday results see:
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
We have a new prophet!!!
His two counselors are Henry B Eyring (no surprise there), and Dieter F Uchtdorf - yes, a German! I think this is an excellent move. This will really show that this is an international church and not just an American church. And also these two counselors are young (relatively speaking) so they will be leaders in the church for a long time (like President Hinckley and President Monson).
Here are some news articles about the new First Presidency:,5143,695250131,00.html,1,2808233.story?ctrack=1&cset=true
Photos from this morning's press conference:

Sunday, February 03, 2008
Mitt wins in Maine
So on Super Tuesday, GO MITT!!
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Rebuilding from the fires in San Diego